Friday, 6 July 2012

Confusion of life

Do you ever ask yourself a question, why you are what you are now? Why you are on where you are now? Why you are not A, why you are not B, not C or even D that leading rich and colourful life.

This is probably the toughest question that i ever had in my life and probably human being ever facing, and I'm still looking for the an answer. Is that what Buddhism always mentioned 'karma'? Or what Christian believe on the mighty god's plan? I preferred on karma, as you do good deed will return in good deed and vice versa.

Probably this makes the life more beautiful and unpredictable. If everyone in this world having the same thing and doing the same thing everyday, I thinks this world will be quite boring....

Well, Will the recent found god particle ever give us a perfect answer for this?

Hey God particle if you ever heard my voice, can you grant me 3 wishes?
First I want to get rid of my loan.
Second I will work hard to earn more money.
Third I want to have a better communication with my mom, I lost my dad from cancer I don't want to lose my mom.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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