Facebook a very very amazing term in the social network rite now... 800million users, $100b valuation, about $4b sales and possible IPO in 2012.... there are lots of more interesting stories about facebook, i need sometimes to summarise it and put it up here....
Mark Zuckenberg, same age with me, now he is one of the most fucking richest guy in the world... simply amazing what he did... but simply disappointed with what i have now, totally failure....!!!!
Sean Parker, just work for Facebook for short period of time, and now he is worth close to $4b if IPO proceed in 2012....
But there are still some place in this world that FB is yet to conquer, not sure when FB is going to overtake them... but for sure, China is not the region that they can conquer, unless they open it.....
Here you go, this is wat i copied from Business insider...
In Brazil, Orkut is still king ... for now. Facebook is closing the gap.
In Japan, Twitter has many more users, but time spent on Facebook is bigger
Facebook is about to be the biggest social network in Poland, but it's not there yet
It doesn't look like Facebook is going to win Russia over any time soon
It's neck and neck in South Korea
Facebook is losing in Vietnam, too. comScore just started measuring Vietnam, so it doesn't have trend data available. Weirdly enough, Zuckerberg just spent Christmas in Vietnam.
It's nowhere in China, because China isn't an open society
And here's a look at Facebook's rise through the years
How much will a public facebook be worth?
Around $100 billion seems to be the going estimate, with the initial public float being around $10 billion. But really, this won't be finalized until the size of the stake sold and share price are finalized.
How Much Will Mark Zuckerberg Be Worth?
Other estimates:
Dustin Moskovitz - $6 billion
Eduardo Saverin - $6 billion
Sean Parker - $4 billion
Peter Thiel - $3 billion
One wildcard: Sheryl Sandberg, who joined Facebook in 2008. She is understood to have a small ownership stake but its size is unclear.
How Much Is Facebook Making Now?
Through the first three quarters of 2011, it brought in $2.5 in revenue.
That's impressive but slightly behind the pace of the $4 billion annually that was expected. It will take a big fourth quarter for Facebook to reach their target.
EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Amortization) weren't leaked, but other metrics of profitability were. Cash flow and operating income through three quarters were $1 billion and $1.2 billion, respectively. Again, this is impressive results but indicates that Facebook may miss its $2 billion annual EBITDA target.
And rumor said that IPO could make another 1,000 millionaires.... sigh!!!!
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