Friday, 7 October 2011

Alibaba's Jack Ma Speech on China 2.0 Forum in Stanford University

Found some interesting video from youtube about Alibaba's founder Jack Ma, he talked about his Alibaba and China Market. He did mention how he start his coy and tried to raise fund from Silicon Valley and blar blar blar...

He mentioned on how the coy strategy could help the SME competitors to survive in the difficult market by splitting his business section to smaller size to enable ppl to compete and survive in the huge internet market. 

What he feel proud is not the money he has in the bank, but is about what he has done to help the SME in China market and how he built up a more proper e-commerce structure.....

Entrepreneurs should learn from how people failed but not on how people succeed, so we can avoid ourself from failed ----> you are rite..

Click here for his video Jack Ma's Speech on Stanford University on China 2.0 Forum, I have some problem to attach the video here from Youtube.

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